City Know-How
Bristol Health Partners’ SHINE Health Integration Team (HIT) is a network partner for the Cities & Health journal, published by Routledge.
SHINE HIT, which supports healthy and inclusive neighbourhoods for people, publishes regular, bite-sized ‘City Know-how’ updates to help translate research knowledge into policy and practice.
Latest City Know-hows
- Walkabout with photography – improving migrant children’s opportunities
- Active Urbanism: Heart rate and oxygen consumption comparison when walking on imitation stepping stones versus a plain surface
- How is our wellbeing affected by the design of our homes: lived experiences during COVID-19
- Different types of greenspace and the mental health of young people
- Gentrification creates stress by intensifying financial insecurity
- How does being in the presence of skyscrapers make you feel?
- Factors that influence urban park access
- New observation tool to assess physical activity and other wellbeing behaviours in urban spaces
- Examining the anticipated economic return of urban greenways