Bladder and Bowel Confidence HIT News

Bladder and Bowel Confidence HIT 2023-24

  • 5th July 2024
Addressing inequalities in services A BABCON-led project, funded by NHS Charities Together, in partnership…

New treatment intervention for male urinary problems shown to reduce symptoms

  • 24th November 2023
A new intervention for men with urinary problems trialled across GP practices has shown a…

New map shows where to get support for bladder and bowel symptoms

  • 22nd November 2023
Bladder and bowel services are now on the map, thanks to a new resource developed…

Finding common ground: Bristol Health Partners Conference 2023

  • 18th October 2023
More than 100 delegates joined us for our annual conference on 17 October 2023 which,…

Chinese Community Wellbeing Society promotes continence health as part of sessions for members living with dementia

  • 4th July 2023
The Chinese Community Wellbeing Society, based in Bristol, is promoting the benefits of engaging…

Taking back control: helping Somali women in Bristol get support for bladder and bowel issues

  • 21st June 2023
A campaign to support women in the Somali community who are experiencing bladder and bowel…

World Continence Week: CONfidence app provides practical advice for people with bladder and bowel leakage

  • 19th June 2023
This World Continence Week (19-26 June 2023), the Bladder and Bowel Confidence (BABCON) HIT…

BABCON HIT director receives Royal College of Nursing fellowship

  • 15th May 2023
Bristol Health Partners’ Bladder and Bowel Continence HIT director has received a fellowship from…

Natasha Swinscoe: Connecting the dots between research and innovation

  • 4th April 2023
The mission of the West of England Academic Health Science Network (or AHSN for…

Bladder and Bowel Confidence HIT 2022-23

  • 1st April 2023
Addressing inequalities in service access An investigation of Bladder and Bowel Service (BBS) provision has…

New public contributors join our Board and Research & Innovation Steering Group

  • 23rd March 2023
Bristol Health Partners has strengthened its representation of ‘experts by experience’ at leadership level to…