Babies fed cow’s milk too early are more likely to become overweight
New research from Children of the 90s shows that the weight gain of infants given cow’s milk as a main drink in place of breast or formula milk before 12 months of age may be greater than that of breastfed infants.
- 12th November 2015
New research from Children of the 90s shows that the
weight gain of infants given cow’s milk as a main drink in place of breast or
formula milk before 12 months of age may be greater than that of breastfed
Children who were fed 600ml (just over a pint) or more of
cow’s milk each day at eight months of age put on weight faster on average and were
heavier than breast-fed children right up to
10 years of age. The research also found that children who were fed 600ml
or more of formula milk each day put on weight faster in infancy and were
heavier than breast-fed children up to two and a half years of age. The amount,
as well as the type, of milk fed to the infants were both important factors in
how children grew.
Over 1,000 children enrolled in the Avon Longitudinal
Study of Parents and Children were studied. Their weight, height and body mass
index (BMI) were measured 14 times from when they were born until they were 10
years of age.
The researchers compared the growth of children given
cow’s milk as their main drink at eight months with those fed breast milk and
those fed formula milk. All of the babies were already well established on
solid foods (i.e. had been weaned). The researchers also looked at the amount
of milk consumed comparing 600ml or more with less than 600ml each day. The
maximum amount of milk recommended at this age is 600ml a day.
The researchers found that 13 per cent of parents/carers were
feeding their child cow’s milk instead of breast milk or formula milk when
their child was eight months of age although the official guidance is not to
replace breast milk or formula with cow’s milk until a child is at least 12
months old.
Of the 1,112 children surveyed, 141 (12.7 per cent) were
breastfed, 824 (74.1 per cent) were formula fed and 147 (13.2 per cent) were given cow’s milk
as their only milk drink at the age of eight months.
Dr Pauline Emmett from the University of Bristol, who
jointly led the research said:
“What this shows us is that giving lots of cow’s milk to
children in late infancy can lead to those children gaining weight faster and
having a higher BMI right throughout childhood when compared to breastfed
babies. This could contribute to the development of childhood obesity and the
health risks connected with that which can persist right through to adulthood.
Parents need to be advised about reducing the volume of milk fed by bottle once
infants are established on solids foods.
“Our finding reinforces the current Department of Health
guidance which says that babies should not be given cow’s milk as their main
drink before the age of 12 months.”
David Hopkins, Specialist Paediatric Dietitian at
Southampton Children’s Hospital and joint research lead said:
“This research clearly shows the benefits of breast
feeding and where necessary, appropriate formula feeding during late infancy as
opposed to using unsuitable alternatives such as cow’s milk. It should help to
provide further guidance to mothers and health professionals alike regarding
the type and volume of milk necessary in late infancy and early childhood to
optimise a child’s nutritional status.”