Books for children about Parkinson’s

A member of the MOVE-HIT Patient and Public Involvement Group has written a series of books to help those affected by Parkinson’s to begin a dialogue with the children whom they care about.

  • 1st August 2017

A member of the MOVE-HIT Patient and Public Involvement Group has written a series of books to help those affected by Parkinson’s to begin a dialogue with the children whom they care about. The author Dawn May, an active member of the group, says:

“I wrote these five stories to help families with young children open up what can be a difficult discussion, if not handled with honesty and optimism. I want to share my books. I want families to be able to talk about Parkinson’s in the early stages and not be afraid.”

The books can be found on sale in a number of locations around the city, including at the Bristol Brain Centre Café. The Café is mainly staffed by people with Parkinson’s, who are happy to have conversations about their experiences with patients arriving for their appointments.

More information about the books can be found here: