People with experience of primary care for children and young people with eating disorders needed for study

The Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (EDHIT) are looking to hear from children and young people with an eating disorder, and their parents, to understand their experience of primary care services.

  • 30th June 2017

The Eating Disorders Health Integration Team (EDHIT) are looking to hear from children and young people with an eating disorder, and their parents, to understand their experience of primary care services.

The purpose of this study is to develop an in-depth understanding of
people’s experiences of primary care for children and young people with an
eating disorder. ‘Primary care’ services are local, non-specialist healthcare services provided mainly in GP surgeries by doctors and other health care staff such as nurses. This study aims to understand the views and experiences of:

  1. Children and young people with past or current experience of an
    eating disorder
  2. People who have or who have previously had a particular
    responsibility for a child or young person with an eating disorder such as a

The knowledge the team develops about people’s experiences of primary care for
people with an eating disorder will be used to produce recommendations about
how primary care can be improved for children and young people with eating

To find out more, download the patient and carer participant information sheet (Word doc).